Edee Polyakovsky
I am so excited to serve as your 2021-2022 Regional President! USY has been a huge part of my life since I first fell in love with USY at my 8th grade RC. Since then, I’ve made so many USY memories and I can’t wait to make more this year, especially as we return to in-person conventions! Last year, as the Regional Exec, I grew so much closer to the entire Pinwheel region. I can’t wait to get to know you all so please feel free to email me if you ever want to chat!

Yaelle Ritch
Programming VP
I’m so excited to serve as the Pinwheel Exec this year! I have been a part of USY since grade 8 and I’ve made so many amazing memories. I’ve held various positions on the Vancouver Nitzachon chapter board and I have had so much fun. If you have any questions or ideas or just want to chat please email me by clicking the icon below.

Suzi Ward
Israel Affairs Vp
Hi I’m Suzi Ward, and I’m the Israeli Affairs VP for Pinwheel’s regional board! My favourite memory with USY is probably my first international convention, which even though it was online, it was super fun. I am so excited for this year!

Yair Infeld
Religion/Education VP
Hi I am Yair and I am super excited to be on regional board this year. I have been in USY and Kadima since my first fall convention and in grade 7 and every time since has always been a blast. My favourite memory of USY has to be the fake court trial I did in grade 8. You can reach me at pnwreled@gmail.com

Alex Sayres
Social Action/
Tikkun olam VP
Hi everyone, my name is Alex Sayres and I am super excited to be your new REB SATO! I am so excited that we are going to be able to have in person conventions this year, and I want to help pinwheel pinwheel and our conventions be just as amazing as before COVID! As your SATO, I want to know what issues you are most interested in learning about and working on. If you have any questions, program ideas, or you are interested in getting involved on RGB, you can contact me at pnwsato@gmail.com

Syringa Barenti
membership/Kadima VP
Hi everyone! My name is Syringa and I’m am this year’s Membership Kadima Vice President! My favorite USY memory is running around Universal studio on Christmas Eve at IC Orlando! I’m so excited for this year and I hope you are too! If you want to contact me my email is pnwmemkad@gmail.com

Naomi Borodin
Communications VP
I am so excited to be your 2021-2022 Communications Vice President! I started being involved in USY through Kadima in 6th grade. I am so glad to be apart of this region and to be involved in this awesome COMMunity. I am looking forward to in person conventions this year (fingers crossed)! I know they will be lots of fun. I would love to be in touch with all of you so please click below and shoot me an email.